Current Programmes
RoEL MoDELs© : Youth Workers Leading Change
Rules of Engagement Learning models better connect youth workers with mainstream resources, knowledge and opportunities for social change including development of:
Screen RoELs – new pathway and delivery framework into Screen industries for marginalised youth 18+
Working with a global publishing company on a UK publishing careers initiative for marginalised youth using the Careers Model – delivery due from February 2025
Developing the Career RoEL model for wider careers - eg Green RoELs to link to our Social Soil programme
RoEL sessions for projects
better connecting youth workers and creatives for more impactful cultural engagement in marginalised communities (all ages)
building a WRYSE evidence portfolio
Early Years/Children : the role of Youth Workers in this 0-6 year old age range and their parents/carers/guardians, to better support young people reaching their full potential
Future RoELs – CPD learning for Youth Workers and aimed at connecting academic and street youth work to better support young people reaching their full potential
Social Soil : Sometimes it's Good to Get Dirty
Bringing together Food Systems and Social Systems for social change economically viable, scalable neighbourhood models
Building on our work over the past couple of years exploring food and Social systems’ impact on neighbourhood health & well-being, using food waste to soil as a starting point
Currently developing projects with
Cultural venue
Film Studio
Youth Hub
DIY Social Change© : Collaborative Community-Led Think & Do Tank
Observations & Research 2000 - present
Development of the work that we have been doing within this observation and research arena that is truly community-led, innovative and dedicated to delivery real-life social change:
developing mainstream partnerships/collaborations for mutual benefit
Includes new partnerships to access research and innovation funding around issues identified through the work of the RoEL ModEL and Social Soil initiatives
culture, creativity & the arts; and health & well-being are the two cross-cutting themes in all our work
Developing our MELI system (monitoring, evaluation, learning & Impact)
Community engagement platform
Impact data collection
Democratising Data