Big Idea 4 Small Giving©
Observation & research : developing initiatives that address social issues and integrate elements of other projects to create more visibility for the people we work with, the issues they face and the solutions they find. Big Idea for Small Giving© is just one of them ...
There is a big issue in terms of the lack of access to resources at the grass-roots level where a relatively small amount of support would have a big impact.
Big Idea for Small Giving© (BI4SG©) is a big idea for small giving. A simple mechanism to enable community based groups gain more direct access to support without creating more work for them, and in a way that captures the mostly unaccounted for work that is going on at a local level - to make the invisible visible.
BI4SG© creates a virtual network of active citizens who raise and give funds directly to local projects. It connects the hyperlocal to global social impact through a platform for CSR, products and a source of data to inform, influence and support cross sector policy agenda, service design and investment choice.
We provide the mechanism for you and your community to directly benefit from your local activity or donation.
We provide a platform to buy and sell products and services developed through our Independence through Enterprise© initiative – a global network of community based projects creating and connecting hyperlocal activity for global impact.
To be part of the initiative, you will be able to simply sign up as an individual or group, nominate an organisation or local project that you’ll be raising money for and the amount you pledge, take action and 100% of the money you raise goes where you choose – directly, not into an account that we hold – we do not get any money/admin fee. We are only a mechanism/collective to ensure that even the smallest coffee morning is valued and recognised as an important part of your community.
BI4SG© addresses:
The difficulty that small projects/groups have in raising funds, profile, support – very often a lot is going on in communities but as it is not “official”, there is no accounting mechanism for the activity and goes unacknowledged.
The issue of how can SME’s, small charities and community/youth groups contribute to the CSR agenda.
Contributing to the big business CSR strategies.
Contributing to schools and University CSR strategies as with the SME and Big Business
Creating a market for start up and community group products and services developed through the Independence Through Enterprise© initiative
Robert Parson, Partner Reed Smith “We are really delighted to be involved in such a simple but potentially high impact project that can change the way we approach charitable giving. We are providing some IT support as well as legal advice on the branding, contractual and other issues that arise as the project moves forward and we are all very excited to be part of its development.”
connecting hyperlocal activity for global impact